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AOTRAUMA | 9783131528810 | Portada




Precio: 51.99€

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Datos técnicos

  • ISBN 9783131528810
  • Año Edición 2010
  • Páginas 145
  • Idioma Inglés


Applying new technologies, presenting your experience, and, of course, thinking of your current practice in the light of new evidence, needs some understanding of clinical research methodology.

This book is not a textbook, but a brief guidance for clinical research practice. It aims at bridging the different points of view of statisticians and clinicians, but does not replace personal meetings and discussions between both professions at the earliest step of a clinical study. We hope that you find this book enjoyable, easy to read and understand, and helpful for improving your research skills.

"Me, the editors, and the authors hope that this book will help you to sort and focus your ideas when setting up a clinical study, and to understand why certain information should be expressed in this or that fashion, how data should be compiled, analyzed, and presented. This book is neither exhaustive nor complete; it just fits better into your daily business." - David L Helfet

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